Survey for All-Party Parliamentary Group inquiry into ending the need for foodbanks

An All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) has launched an inquiry into ending the need for foodbanks. This inquiry – Cash or food? Exploring effective responses to destitution – will explore how our communities and government should address the drivers of need for food banks, exploring respective merits of providing cash, ‘in-kind’ support (for example, vouchers), or emergency food, to support people facing destitution.

Over the next few weeks organisations are able to submit written submissions on this topic.  It is important for Liverpool to respond to this enquiry and ensure our voice, experiences and thinking on this issue is heard.

Gathering information via a short survey and case studies, Feeding Liverpool will coordinate a city submission as part of our role leading Liverpool’s Good Food Plan.

If your organisation is involved in any aspect of crisis support, please complete this survey, which should take approximately 10 minutes, by Wednesday 29th June.

Organisations are also able to submit their own submissions if they prefer. Information is available at: 

Individuals who have used a foodbank or other forms of crisis support have been encouraged by the enquiry to also submit written responses. Full details are available here. Please get in touch if you require assistance to complete this.