New Impact Report Celebrates The Work Of Feeding Liverpool

We are delighted to publish Feeding Liverpool’s latest Impact Report, celebrating the work of the food alliance throughout 2023.

The report highlights the progress made towards our vision of ‘Good Food for All’, as we work with our member organisations to reduce levels of food insecurity and increase access to good food across the city.

Key achievements in 2023 include

7,723 emergency food parcels boosted with fruit and vegetables during the winter months

61 new Community Healthy Start Champions trained to support pregnant women and young families

13,720 visits to the Queen of Greens mobile greengrocer, improving access to good food

£1 million distributed to our members

30 community leaders trained to deliver cooking courses

7 community venues hosted our Good Food; Our Food photo exhibition

131 young people learnt about food citizenship through our summer workshops

10 Good Food network events brought together the city’s food support organisations