Our Members 

Feeding Liverpool is the city of Liverpool’s food alliance, connecting and equipping people and organisations to work towards good food for all.

Our alliance is made up of members from a wide variety of organisations including anchor institutions, local businesses and the voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise sector.  

This includes members who have received financial support via Feeding Liverpool to enable the delivery of food activities in Liverpool.

To help you gain a better understanding of the types of organisations within our membership, we have collated information about their missions and the types of services they offer:

Acronym Community Empowerment:

We run local activities that support women, children and families from both newly-settled and settled communities. We provide informal learning opportunities alongside health and cultural activities, which helps our members to enhance their employability skills and improve their wellbeing.

Asylum Link Merseyside

We are an organisation dedicated to assisting asylum seekers and refugees, as well as raising public awareness around refugee issues. We operate a drop-in centre that provides friendship, help, advice and encouragement in regards to the participation of asylum seekers and refugees in the wider community.

Autism Adventures Training CIC:

We offer families living with autism training and leisure activities that not only provides them with support, but that helps them to better advocate for their needs – all in an Autism-friendly setting. As well as our regular signposting of our members to additional support, we have recently expanded our provision to include food support; this involves issuing food hampers, delivering slow cookers, running cooking classes and providing recipe packs.

Big Help Project

Our mission is to feed the hungry, overcome poverty in the community, free individuals from the burden of personal debt, help people into affordable housing and assist the community in securing a better future.

Breckfield & North Everton Neighbourhood Council Ltd:

We operate a warm hub and a food bank, where people in the community can access free welfare rights support and weekly hot food. We also offer a food voucher scheme, a free school uniform provision, befriending clubs and the KickStart to Health and Wellbeing programme.

Bridge Community Centre – Food Source & Support:

We offer an open door policy and welcome people of all backgrounds across the Merseyside region. Our centre provides a warm and safe space for the most vulnerable, delivering food services, intervention support, counselling, benefit advice and educational training. Through being accessible and championing those who are disengaged from society, we hope to give people a sense of self-empowerment and help them towards a better future.

Christ Church Toxteth Park:

We are a member-run food pantry that provides groceries (including fresh fruit and vegetables) to the parish of Christ Church, Linnet Lane.

Community Grocery Liverpool:

We act as a bridge between a foodbank and a supermarket, supporting the community by giving them access to food and offering a helping hand with any additional needs they may have.

Edge Hill Youth & Community Centre:

Alongside our social sessions with the elderly and our free weekly food bags, we aim to help and educate young people – irrespective of their background – through educational and leisure activities in order for them to develop their physical, mental and spiritual capabilities.

Everton Free School:

We are the first ‘Club-Community’ scheme in the country to have been awarded funding by the government in order to open a free school – a ground-breaking inititiave that has helped countless young people across Merseyside. In most cases, students here are drawn from areas with high levels of social and economic deprivation, having experienced situations which has left them with poor self-image and low self-esteem. Our main aims are to ensure our students feel like they belong at school and that they can fulfill their potential to achieve in a safe environment.

Everton in the Community:

We are one of the UK’s top sporting charities, who are also at the forefront of social intervention across Merseyside. Operating seven days a week, we support the most vulnerable and underpriveledged members of the surrounding communities, instilling confidence in them through creating life-changing opportunities. We offer over 50 programmes covering a range of social issues, including health, employability, education and poverty.

Everyone’s Aigburth Ltd:

We are a community hub that works with local residents in South Liverpool to help make small changes when it comes to sustainability. We redistribute surplus food through our shop, sell baskets of ten items for £3.50, hold a monthly pop-up refill shop and grow a community garden.


We are a Merseyside-based charity with a mission to create a sustainable world in which everyone can flourish. We aim to deliver practical,engaging projects and services in the community within the remit of our four key areas of work – land, circular economy, faith and climate change.

Fazakerley Community Centre:

We aim to advance education and promote good health to the inhabitants of Fazakerley by providing facilities in the interest of social welfare and recreation. Indeed, our community centre has a number of initiatives, including a community kitchen, a library and outreach development programmes.

Gold House Hope For All:

We support and help our local community members – including the homeless – by offering food parcels, hot drinks and warm clothing.

Granby Toxteth Development Trust Ltd:

We provide a range of services to our local community, including adult learning, digital skills lessons, youth work and food support (particularly during the school holidays).

Hope Church Kensington – Hope Community Fridge:

We are a community food pantry that provides a good quality food shop for a £3.50 donation.

Ibijoke Children Foundation UK:

We provide vital support to families and individuals suffering from the effects of low incomes and poverty, mainly through our food club; this offers cultural items for a small charge, which helps to reduce the stigma surrounding handouts. We also provide food parcels to vulnerable members in the community.

Imagine If Trust:

We are a Liverpool-based charity that works to bring about transformation through a range of community projects. Our aims are to relieve poverty, promote education and strengthen families; we achieve these through our four key themes of housing, children and young people, community action and key partnerships.

Incredible Edible Knowsley:

We are a community project that aims to reduce food poverty and improve people’s health. Our main enterprise is the ‘growing in the community, for the community’ initiative, which helps to educate people about healthy eating and cooking. Alongside this, we also provide a food club, workshops and events that cater to the most vulnerable in society.

Independence Initiative Ltd:

We offer a community membership scheme that enables people to get great value for money on a weekly shop, which includes both food and essential items. As people are often not able to access or prepare a healthy diet, we assist in providing cooking advice and recipes.

Joseph Lappin Partnership Ltd:

We are a community hub located in Old Swan that provides facilities in the interest of social welfare, finance, education and mental wellbeing to those suffering in areas of deprivation. We supply a weekly food pantry, Christmas donations, school uniform assistance and signposting to wraparound support.

Liverpool Irish Centre:

Although we are the established home of Irish culture in Merseyside, our door is open to everyone. Alongside the cultural leisure activities that we offer, we also provide welfare services, health and fitness sessions, and cooking clubs for the elderly and vulnerable.

Liverpool Lighthouse:

We are an arts and community centre in Anfield that provides a warm space drop-in three days a week and access to advice, signposting and support. We also offer various community initiatives, including wellbeing activities, free hot meals, a food pantry and cooking sessions.

Liverpool Six Community Association:

Based in Everton, we are the vital first point of contact for people in need, which we maintain through continued engagement and extended support. Although we aim to tackle the root causes of poverty by signposting and operating our Foodbank Union, we also hope to increase people’s wellbeing and social connections through our leisure activities.

Love Wavertree CIC:

Our food club is dedicated to providing nutritious food and essential supplies to families in the Wavertree community. Through our collaborative efforts with local partners, we have managed to provide over 50,000 items of food since 2021.

Mary Seacole House:

We are a leading mental health charity for multi-cultural communities, helping to support people in making improvements to their health and wellbeing. We offer an inclusive space where people from diverse backgrounds can feel a sense of belonging in a safe and welcoming environment.

Marybone Youth & Community Association:

We are a community-led voluntary organisation that provides a range of support services and activities for children and young people in the city. As well as operating a weekly food hub facility, we have recently introduced cookery demonstration classes that help families to prepare and cook food on low budgets.

Micah Liverpool:

We are a social justice charity set up to help relieve Liverpool’s residents from social injustice and poverty. We run foodbanks and community markets to help combat unemployment and deliver both emergency, and affordable, food.

Millennium Centre:

We are a community centre based in West Derby that provides multiple services and activities, ranging from a food bank, to adult classes and advisory sessions.

Monksdown Primary School:

We are a school pantry where families aim to ensure that food is always provided to those who are in need of it. Our pantry is run by parent volunteers, which allows for families to support each other and deliver food parcels on a weekly basis.

Moulana Community CIC:

We are based in L8 and help both refugees and asylum seekers to have a smooth intergration into the community. Alongside our fitness classes and English langauge workshops, we also offer assistance in regards to registering with a GP, housing, wellbeing matters and accessing good quality hot food.

Netherley Youth & Community Initiative:

We operate a food bank and food pantry for local families in need at the community centre in the heart of Netherley. Alongside these, we also offer wrap-around childcare, free courses and signposting to other services of support.

New Beginnings Improving Lives CIC:

Our primary aim is to remove the barriers preventing individuals from accessing affordable good food and the necessities needed to live a healthy life. We offer a range of food services, including a community store, mobile pantries, foodbanks and a food pantry; these are open to everyone and cater to the needs of the most vulnerable in society.

Norris Green Community Alliance:

We support locals in Norris Green by identifying and meeting their needs, helping to signpost when necessary. We also encourage the community to come together through the various activities and events that we organise.

Our House Walton:

We are committed to improving the quality of life for all members of the community by combatting social exclusion, poverty, disadvantage and discrimination. Our community hub provides a welcoming and supportive environment in which individuals can learn valuable skills, access information and acquire food. We also work with community members to ensure that they are actively involved in the development and provision of servuces to ensure their changing needs are met.

PAL Multicultural Centre:

We are a warm space provider who aims to improve the lives of BAME and wider communities – many of whom are marginalised and vulnerable after facing disadvantage – through greater access to food, education, training, welfare, health, sport and social, cultural, leisure and community cohesion activities.

Parish of Dingle Pantry (St Cleopas Church):

We are a pantry based in South Liverpool that is run by a team of enthusiastic volunteers who help to relieve food poverty in the local area. For a small weekly subscription of £3.50, our members have access to parcels of food that often values over £20.

Porchfield Community Association:

As a centre built on an elderly-people’s estate, we aim to improve the health, welfare and quality of life of these individuals in Croxteth. As they often struggle with loneliness, dependency and health issues, our services provide positive activities that help to improve their physical and mental wellbeing.

Priority Management Ltd (Riverside LEC):

Our primary purpose is to provide vocational education to those in the community who are facing barriers when it comes to learning but we also include a free food offer to those who are experiencing food insecurity.

Riverview Development Trust:

We provide support and services for the Dingle neighbourhood, particularing focusing on operating youth clubs and helping families to overcome food insecurity. We offer food to local people all year round, with an enhanced provision during the school holidays when the demand is greater.


We are a participant-led charity that is passionate about supporting those who are vulnerable, displaced and experiencing distress or isolation. Our team understands and represents the complexity of the people we help, which allows us to use creativity when empowering and providing opportunities for individuals to progress with confidence.

South Liverpool Foodbank:

We currently distribute food parcels from 8 different foodbank centres across Liverpool to clients in immediate food crisis, which are often supplemented with basic toiletries, pet food, fruit and vegetables where possible. We also try to signpost individuals to additional support when necessary.

South Liverpool Homes:

We are a small team at South Liverpool Homes that is made up of solely volunteers. As we are linked with the food charity FareShare and other local sources of household goods, residents can gain access to essential items for the small price of just £3.

South Liverpool Voluntary Inclusion Programme:

We are a grass-roots charity that works to combat loneliness and isolation among the older generation by providing health and welfare support alongside volunteering opportunities.

St Aidan with All Saints Speke:

We engage with people from all backgrounds in the wider community of Speke, focusing on hospitality, safety and fun. Strong relationships are built with people through our weekly parent and toddler group, food pantry, community meals and church services. We also seek to connect with other local charities and regional organisations in order to share best practice.

St Andrews Community Network:

We are the coordinators of North Liverpool Foodbank and a network of community food pantries, who aim to set people in their local areas free from the life-affecting consequences of poverty. By providing debt and income maximisation advice to people throughout the city, we hope that we can build financial resilience, food security and sustainable communities for everyone.

St Bede With St Clement Church Food Market (DBA L8 Food Market):

Situated in Toxteth, we use our building spaces to provide help to the local community in whichever way we can. Alongside the church’s food market, we also signpost to other organisations, who provide wraparound support and social activities.

St Cyril’s Community & Young People’s Project:

We are a community organisation that is aiming to reduce food poverty by providing our weekly ‘Eat to Greet’ project, during which members can enjoy a delicious meal and make new friends free of charge.

Team Oasis Children’s Charity:

We are a youth-focused charity located in the heart of the Dingle community. We have recently developed a free food initiative, which operates alongside our community activities, respite holidays, family day trips and support programmes.

The Congolese Association of Merseyside (CAM) – Empreinte People’s Hub:

We seek to address the needs of refugees, asylum seekers, migrants and speakers of other langauges who face significant and multiple disadvantages. While we are the first point of call for their initial emergencies – food, shelter, travel – we also help them to access support services during their transition of intergrating into society. Our key mission, therefore, is to assist people in overcoming lack of opportunity so that they can realise their potential and enjoy fulfilling lives.

The Greenhouse Multicultural Play and Arts Project:

Based in Toxteth, we enable young people and their families within the community to access opportunities that support their creative development and understanding of diversity. Indeed, we aim to engage local young people in the regeneration of the neighbourhood by delivering education, out of school services, community events, enterprise training and mentoring programmes. We also run a weekly community food pantry, which is run by members and volunteers.

The Hope Foundation:

We provide accomodation, support and advice to people across the city who are affected by poverty, loneliness and isolation.

The Inclusion Network CIC:

We are hoping to make a difference in the community of Bootle, which is suffering from a range of social and economic disadvantages that are being compounded by the cost of living crisis. Our aim is to provide a range of positive activities and services to families in the local area.

The Opening Doors Project:

We deliver services in the Rice Lane area that promote positive mental health and resilience in the community.

The Rhys Jones Foundation:

We operate an open-door policy so that residents can call in for advice about cost-of-living, housing and food issues. We also offer friendship groups, exercise classes, councilling sessions and seasonal events.

The Whitechapel Centre:

We are the leading homeless and housing charity in the Liverpool region that is working with people who are sleeping rough, living in hostels or struggling to manage their accomodation. We are committed to helping these people find and maintain a home, whilst teaching them the life skills necessary for independent living.

Triple C Liverpool – Community Cafe:

Our objective is to improve the quality of life for those facing disadvantage in the Liverpool Anglican parishes of Norris Green and West Derby – regardless of their age, gender, race and religion. We also endeavour to foster community involvement by running activities that prioritise our four project areas: children and families, the elderly, debt advice and food support services.

Tuebrook Hope Group:

We operate a community centre that facilitates youth groups and local outreach work. Alongside our popular pensioner clubs and sports activities, we also offer training and exhibition facilities.

Veterans HQ Liverpool:

We provide a unique holistic support, service and engagement programme for ex-armed forced personnel, reservists and their families across the Liverpool city region and surrounding areas. In particular, we issue housing, mental health and employability support to those impacted by the cost of living crisis – namely through our food initiative and warm hub.

Walton Vale Community Shop CIC:

We redistribute surplus food and extend people’s budgets through our food initiative, which allows members to choose either 10 items for £3.50 or 15 for £5. We also host family cooking sessions, produce cooking videos and run multiple social groups.

Walton Youth & Community Project:

We are a safe space for the community of North Liverpool, where families can access support, encouragement and communcal activities. Food is a huge aspect of the service we deliver: we provide food parcels, operate a community shop, supply emergency food and save surplus food from local supermarkets.

West Everton Community Council:

Being resident-led, we ensure that they can have a voice when it comes to issues that affect the community. We currently run a Community Responsive Food Project, a food pantry, a food bank, a Citizens Advice service and multiple social activities.

Woodlands Community Centre Limited:

Our aim is to make positive changes to the lives of people living within the community and help them tackle the problems they are facing. Through our Community Centre, we operate as a food provider throughout the year and a warm hub during the winter months to ensure that nobody feels hungry or isolated.