Feeding Liverpool have submitted three submissions to the All-Party Parliamentary Group inquiry into ending the need for foodbanks. A wide range of opinions have been offered about the best way forward for ending the need for foodbanks – this work will form the foundations for a wider review of our city’s crisis response.
The submissions are as follows:
- Feeding Liverpool’s submission on behalf of 20 organisations in Liverpool
This document contains detailed reflections on the submission’s questions about effective responses to crisis provision, the advantages and disadvantages of foodbanks and cash first approaches, and which policies organisations have identified as needing change to end the need for foodbanks. - A submission from Liverpool’s Good Food Community Advocacy and Policy Group
This document addresses three of the ‘learning from best practice’ questions asked in the submission.
- A submission on behalf of 60+ people who have used a foodbank
This document includes insights to questions asked in the submission from 52 foodbank users in June 2022, alongside nine stories gathered as part of the development of the Good Food Plan in 2021, comments submitted anonymously via the Feeding Liverpool website and a ‘feedback wall’ in a foodbank, and a detailed case study from Asylum Link Merseyside.
Liverpool City Council are coordinating a separate submission which, amongst other aspects, will highlight the important role of Liverpool’s Citizens Support Scheme.