There are 800,000 children in England living in poverty who are not currently eligible for Free School Meals.
Families are really struggling with the cost of living crisis, which is meaning children who are not getting the food they need to grow up healthy.
Given the scale of the challenge, we should do all we can to help children living in poverty to achieve and thrive so Feeding Liverpool are supporting the Feed the Future campaign, calling for the Government to extend Free School Meals to more children.
They guarantee children a hot, nutritious meal at lunchtime. They support families with the rising cost of living, help pupils engage in learning, enhance academic performance, and improve nutrition – shoring up the diets of children from low-income households.
Expanding eligibility to all children in households on Universal Credit would be an effective way to support families struggling with a huge rise in the cost of living.
The Feed the Future campaign is led by The Food Foundation, with School Food Matters, Sustain, Bite Back 2030, Child Poverty Action Group, Impact on Urban Health, Jamie Oliver Ltd and Chefs in Schools representing more than 500,000 teachers.
Campaign resources
This coalition of supporters have drafted a message you can email your MP, quickly and easily. The more politicians hear from the people they represent, the more likely they are to act to #FeedtheFuture
They have also created a How to Support the Campaign document to help as many people as possible get involved and share our campaign graphics on social media.