Discretionary Fund (HSF5)

Feeding Liverpool has been allocated a proportion of the Household Support Fund to support the food supplies of emergency food providers and community food spaces over the next few months. This is to enable these organisations to continue to support households experiencing food insecurity.

As part of this fund, a Discretionary Fund has been created for organisations who either started a new food activity after the HSF deadline or who missed the initial funding round but would have qualified for support.

The primary purpose of this fund is to support organisations in purchasing food supplies in order to enable their existing activities to continue. Funding cannot be awarded to establish a new food support activity that is not currently in operation. Recognising the increased pressures on organisations in terms of their own energy bills, we may also be able to offer eligible organisations a grant of £500 towards these costs.

This funding also cannot be used to support food-related activities which are aimed solely at people under 18 years old (e.g. a primary school breakfast club, holiday provision or after school club).

To apply for a proportion of this fund, eligible emergency food providers and community food spaces must complete this survey.

For any questions, please email Gentian Khan.