Helpful resources for Christmas and Winter food support across Liverpool
Community Christmas Meals
Our Community Christmas Meals map of venues and organisations open on or around Christmas day providing free food or community meals.
HAF (Holidays Activities & Food Programme)
A helpful interactive map on MPAC’s website so families with children aged 5-16 can find food and activity provision nearby throughout the Christmas holidays. Read more about the HAF Winter programme on Liverpool City Council’s website: Winter Holiday Activities and Food Programme
Food Vouchers
Families with school-aged children on free-school meals will be issued by their schools with food vouchers to support with the cost of food over the Christmas period. Families with children aged under 2 who are eligible for early education support will receive vouchers in the New Year. Read more here: Support available for vulnerable people this winter
Liverpool Citizens Support Scheme
The Liverpool Citizens Support Scheme will remain open throughout Christmas period. If yourself or someone you support is in a crisis, you can apply for support to get food and basic necessities including gas and electric vouchers (urgent needs) and furniture and household essentials (home needs). Call Freephone 0800 456 1523 or 0151 233 3053 Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm.
Many foodbanks remain open for crisis food provision over the Christmas period.
Agencies who make foodbank referrals should refer to foodbank websites for the holiday opening hours. Please note, for many foodbanks, including the city’s Trussell Trust networks, individuals will still need a referral to access foodbank support as per the usual process.
See links below for the Trussell Trust Foodbanks across North and South Liverpool. For independent foodbanks, please refer to their websites.
Locations | North Liverpool Foodbank Website
Locations | South Liverpool Foodbank Website
Community Food Spaces
Many Community Food Spaces will be open over the Christmas period, please contact then individually to confirm opening hours: Community Food Spaces across Liverpool.