Category: Past Projects

The Winter Boost Project 2020-2021

Feeding Liverpool’s Winter Boost project aimed to boost the vitamin and mineral intake of households in Liverpool in an acute food crisis during the Covid-19 pandemic.

From November 2020 – April 2021, Feeding Liverpool, working in partnership with three of Liverpool’s largest foodbanks networks: North Liverpool foodbank, South Liverpool foodbank and Micah Liverpool supplemented every foodbank parcel with fresh fruit, vegetables, eggs and tinned fish.


The project was funded by Food Power for Generation Covid, Feeding Britain, Liverpool City Council Winter Grant and Together Liverpool.

The project was managed by Feeding Liverpool’s coordinator Dr Naomi Maynard, and delivered with logistical support and a team of volunteers recruited through St Andrews Community Network, Christ Church, Norris Green and St George’s Pantry, Everton. We are very grateful to the Archdiocese of Liverpool for the use of Our Lady Immaculate Social Club in Everton for this project.

Whilst it is a disgrace that this project was needed, I am so very proud of the way community organisations, the City Council and national funders pulled together to support those in our city experiencing acute food crises during the harshest months of the pandemic. It is vital that we continue to work together, improving access to food for those in crisis whilst also addressing the reasons why so many families found themselves needing support this year

Dr Naomi Maynard, Project Lead

Jo Browne, from North Liverpool Foodbank explains how they have seen a rise in first-time foodbank users during the pandemic: 

Nicola Hawkes, from South Liverpool Foodbank explains hoe the The Winter Boost project has been a “lifeline” for clients with specialist diets:

Andrea Gill from the Noah’s Ark Centre in Speke speaks about the value of giving out fresh fruit and vegetables through the project:

Nicola Hawkes from South Liverpool Foodbank speaks about the value of giving out fresh fruit and vegetables through the project:


Project Partners

Covid Emergency Response

During the Covid-19 pandemic, Feeding Liverpool played a key role in the procurement and distribution of food supplies to support and sustain the work of emergency food providers in Liverpool.


From April – October 2020 Feeding Liverpool, in partnership with Feeding Britain, focused our response on two areas of support:

  1. Supporting the food supply of organisations providing emergency food provision whose demand may have increased, or food supply chain been disrupted due to the pandemic.
  2. Supporting the food supply and the growth and development of organisations such as pantries and community markets which seek to address food insecurity, whose membership may have increased, or food supply chain been disrupted due to the pandemic.

Feeding Liverpool told the stories of families in need of this emergency crisis support. Read our story bank including stories from The Smith family from Clubmoor who found themselves in a crisis when dad John lost his job in the hospitality sector and of The Martin Family from Norris Green who struggled when Mrs Martin was furloughed and Mr Martin needed to shield. View here

Read one of the Covid Emergency Response project’s monthly impact reports