Our friends at Faiths4Change are offering Liverpool City Region residents fully-funded places on an accredited Carbon Literacy course that explores climate change and carbon footprints as a way to live faith, care for Creation and act on climate justice.
Carbon Literacy is about growing our awareness of the carbon costs and impacts of everyday activities and the ability and motivation to reduce emissions on an individual, community and organisational basis. The course enables learners to connect issues of climate change to their personal motivations, grow their understanding of climate science, explore issues of climate justice, and plan to take high-impact actions.
This Carbon Literacy training is being offered to up to 400 faith and community group members across the Liverpool City Region, thanks to a grant from the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority’s Community Environment Fund. The course has been developed by Energy Projects Plus: epplus.org.uk/ and is being run with Zero Carbon Liverpool: facebook.com/ZeroCarbonLiverpool/ A secular version of the course is available, please check here for dates.